Thursday, January 9, 2014

Raj - neeti

28 December is a historical day in the history of Indian politics. Today a common man who travels in metro or auto rickshaw, worked 10am to 6pm, an activist and above a common Indian citizen has become CM of capital of India.

This is indeed commendable and outstanding. He has taken every party by storm of surprise. Indian politics will never be same again

Congress ruled the nation for about so many years, BJP tried to rule the country but could not succeed, and despite all the efforts they tried in the past. Now that their agenda has changed and they are MR Modi as clone of GOD. During 2009 Advanji tried to be the clone but their was no concrete agenda. The issues raised by them were baseless. Now MR Modi is trying to fix up an agenda, which is again becoming baseless gradually as they are diverting from the base topic of growth and development. Now they want to remove Congress party from the country. “Quit India, Congress!”
The slogan itself is baseless and irrelevant.

Anyways people of India must give tome to Mr. Kejriwal’s governance to do something in favor of them and minimize corruption. He is now eyeing to be a national party of India. They can definitely be successful if they don’t deviate from their basic agenda, point that made them join politics. We can only talk about corruption and dirty politics. It needs strong guts to get down in the gutter and clean the dirt. If the people of AAP remains grounded and they don’t change like any other power hungry politician, then only they can be a super hit with masses and classes of India.